De multa vreme imi doream o camasa din denim,dar pana acum nu am gasit una Wow.Saptamana trecuta am gasit ceea ce cautam :) Si daca se poarta culorile puternice, am asortat-o cu pantofiorii mei florali si cu o fusta mint, care imi place tare mult.Am purtat aceasta tinuta la o iesire cu o buna prietena, pe terasa la o inghetata.
Sper sa va placa :) O Duminica minunata sa aveti!
Denim shirt/Liu Jo , Skirt/Bershka , Bag/H&M , Shoes/ from Absolutely Fabulous Vintage Fair
chiar arata foarte bine camasa !! trebuie sa ajung si eu curand pe la magazinul acela !!! :D foarte girly ai fost !!!
o duminica superba sa aveti !
si mie imi place mult camasa:X ce ma bucur ca am gasit-o. Trebuie sa mergi si tu pe acolo. pupici darling :*
ReplyDeletenu stii cat cautat!!! Pe chicisimo nu e trecut blogul tau iar pe blog la mine nu ai lasat url-ul tau cand ai intrat data trecuta. Acuma in sfarsit te-am regasit :) Sper sa nu ne mai pierdem :)
Tinuta de azi e un peeeriiiiiicol. Este adorablia si super dulcie. Imi place la nebunie fusta si mai ales ca e mini, iti arata picioarele frumoase. Pantofioriiiiiiii aia sunt un vis. Sigur gasit la targul Absolut Fabulous. Imi place mul si camasa denim care e una foarte feminina fata de ce am vazut pe piata. Tine-o tot asa si puuuuuuupici dulci!!!
Ce ma bucur si eu ca acum putem tine legatura mai usor:) multumesc muuult pentru cuvintele frumoase, esti o draguta! te puppp :*
DeleteCe outfit suuuuper:) Te invit pe blogul meu la un giveaway
ReplyDeletechiar ma bucur ca ti-ai facut un blog aici , eu imi cam prindeam urechile pe chicisimo .
ReplyDeleteImi place mult stilul tau ,arati super ,asta sa nu vorbesc de picioare ca devin geloasa :-)) pupici
nu stiu daca ti-am spus cat esti de draguta :-)
ReplyDeleteMultumesc frumos Roxi. Sa stii ca si eu ma bucur ca de acum vom tine legatura mai usor :) Si tu esti o frumoasa! pupici
Deletehi!! I don't understand what you are saying in this post :) but i love your outfit! ;)
ReplyDelete:) In the right of the page - use TRANSLATE and choose your language !
DeleteThx darling :*
lovely sandra. ce ma bucur ca ti-ai facut blog! mult succes. @ Anabela
ReplyDeleteI love your look, you are so cutee!
ReplyDeletei follow you:) If you want to follow me...?:)
Very nice styling :) ) Thank you for your comment.
ReplyDeleteYour skirt and shoes are amazing! Love it!
ReplyDeleteWow happy to find your look amazing!
Si eu caut de o vesnicie o camasa de blugi, saptamana asta am probat una la C&A dar nu mi-a placut cum imi venea si nu am luat-o. a ta este superba si iti vine perfect, iar fusta este o bombonica :*
ReplyDeletemultumesc :X sa stii ca si eu caut de muuuuulta vreme una, iar asta a aparut la fix :) pupici :*
DeleteLovely blog :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment on my blog :)
following you now!
Do hit me back soon.^^
absolutely beautiful! imi place mult combinatia,m-am inspirat! puup
ReplyDeleteGorgeous look! Love the skirt, you have amazing legs! Beautiful :) xxx
ReplyDeleteEstá o máximo o conjunto :)
Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog Sandra! So glad I stopped by, I love everything about this outfit, but the skirt and shoes are just amaaaazing!!!
ReplyDeleteAm following you now on GFC and Bloglovin as I really love your style... hope to see you again!
Catherine x
You're soo much beautiful. ;)
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog too.
Kisses, Natallie.
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteSure, i'm already following you!
Cat imi doresc si eu o camasa din denim ! Arata foarte bine
ReplyDeleteCute outfit, I also love special vintage findings!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment on my blog, I hope you'll follow me, too. I'm doing it ...
Andrea from BeyondWhiteLake
hi dear, thanks for your visiti.
ReplyDeleteand ya, im folling you now! abraco de Brasil,
all the best, Juli
Very pretty blog! Love the skirt! Following now. Follow back if you like!
Love Love the skirt and shoes! Super cute.
ReplyDeletefollow each other?
Amazing look!!! love your shoes, so beautifull!!!
ReplyDeleteI started follow you ;)
Con Tacones en el Metro
Omg ! I love your legs , so long and toned !
ReplyDeleteI like that skirt and the high poney too :)
Definitely following you. Good luck babes ^_^
very sexy!!:* kiss
ReplyDeleteHi Sandra,
ReplyDeletethank you for your comment & for reading my blog! I follow u back by now. Cute skirt you're wearing :) Keep in touch! xx
gorgeous outfit!
ReplyDeletenow following your lovely blog :)
follow back?
ReplyDeletegorgeous skirt!!
Thanks for your comment:) I follow you:)
ReplyDeleteSuperba! ce frumoasa e camasa :X
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! I absolutely love this outfit - the skirt is perfect :)
- katie
these shoes are, to die for! AMAZING!
ReplyDeletehi gorgeous! thanks for your comment! I like your style too and this outfit is stunning! I really love the skirt!
ReplyDeleteIm following you now, hope you follow me back :)
Lovely lovely skirt!!
ReplyDeletecrackin pair !! xxx
ReplyDeletebeautiful skirt:)I foloow you now:) cheers xx
ReplyDeleteCe mult imi place camasa ta, caut demult si eu una, imi place combinatia foarte mult! :)
ReplyDeletesi eu mi-am cautat nuj cat o camasa denim ca lumea si nu prea am gasit ceva sa zic wow
ReplyDeleteCel mai mult imi place aceasta tinuta ( dintre cele prezentate de tine pana acum) si m-ai convins sa te adaug in blogroll pentru a fi la curent cu noutatile in materie de vestimentatie!!!
ReplyDeletebig like pengtru pantofioriiii
ReplyDeleteHere is my blog post short term loans
ce mult imi place camasa, imi doresc asa mult si eu una :)